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Problems With Connectors (2): Question Words as Connectors.

(I don't remember what her name is)

- (S): I
- (V): don't remember
- (question word): what
- (S): her name
- (V): is

([Do] [you] remember [what] [her] [name] [is?])

- (V): Do
- (S): you
- remember
- (question word): what
- (S): her name
- (V): is?

Avoid using (do), (does), or (did) after the question word. Avoid using the verb before the subject after the question word.


Incorrect: I didn't understand (what) (did he say).
Correct: I didn't understand (what) (he said).

Incorrect: Do you know (how much) (do they cost?)
Correct: Do you know (how much) (they cost?)

Incorrect: I wonder (when) (is her birthday).
Correct: I wonder (when) (her birthday is).

Incorrect: Could you please tell me (where) (is the post office?)
Correct: Could you please tell me (where) (the post office is?)

Incorrect: Did they tell you (what time) (does the movie start?)
Correct: Did they tell you (what time) (the movie started?)

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