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Problems With Modifiers (4): More Cause-and-Result.

(It was such a lovely day that we went out)

- (S): It
- (V): was
- (such): such
- (a): a
- (adjective): lovely
- (noun[singular]): day
- (that): that
- (S): we
- (V): went out


(It was so lovely a day that we went out)

- (S): It
- (V): was
- (so): so
- (adjective): lovely
- (a): a
- (noun[singular]): day
- (that): that
- (S): we
- (V): went out

Avoid using (so) instead of (such) before (a). Avoid omitting (a) from the patterns.

([These] [are] [such] [long] [assignments] [that] [I] [can't finish] them)

- (S): These
- (V): are
- (such): such
- (adjective): long
- (noun[plural]): assignments
- (that): that
- (S): I
- (V): can't finish
- them

([This] [is] [such] [good] [news] [that] [I] [will call] them)

- (S): This
- (V): is
- (such): such
- (adjective): good
- (noun[non-count]): news
- (that): that
- (S): I
- (V): will call
- them

Avoid using (so) instead of (such).


Incorrect: It was (so interesting book) that he couldn't put it down.
Correct: It was (such an interesting book) that he couldn't put it down.


correct: It was (so interesting a book) that he couldn't put it down.

Incorrect: She is (such nice girl) that everyone likes her.
Correct: She is (such a nice girl) that everyone likes her.


Correct: She is (such nice a girl) that everyone likes her.

Incorrect: We had (so a small lunch) that I am hungry already.
Correct: We had (such a small lunch) that I am hungry already.


Correct: We had (so small a lunch) that I am hungry already.

Incorrect: That so many advances have been made in (so short time) is the most valid argument for retaining the research unit.
Correct: That so many advances have been made in (such a short time) is the most valid argument for retaining the research unit.


Correct: That so many advances have been made in (so short a time) is the most valid argument for retaining the research unit.

Incorrect: It is (so nice weather) that I would like to go to the beach.
Correct: It is (such nice weather) that I would like to go to the beach.

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