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Problems With Verbs (15): Impersonal Expressions.

([It is] [important] [to verify] the data.)

- (it is): It is
- (adjective): important
- (infinitive): to verify
- the data


([It is] [important] [that] [the data] [be] verified)

- (it is): It is
- (adjective): important
- (that): that
- (S): the data
- (verb word): be
- verified

Remember that the following adjectives are used in this pattern:
- essential
- imperative
- important
- necessary

Avoid using a present verb instead of a verb word. Avoid using a modal before the verb word.


Incorrect: (It is not necessary that you must take) an entrance examination to be admitted to an American university.
Correct: (It is not necessary to take) an entrance examination to be admitted to an American university.


Correct: (It is not necessary) that you (take) an entrance examination to be admitted to an American university.

Incorrect: (It is imperative) (that you are) on time.
Correct: (It is imperative) (to be) on time.


correct: (It is imperative) that you (be) on time.

Incorrect: (It is important) (that I will speak) with Mr. Hery immediately.
Correct: (It is important) (to speak) with Mr. Hery immediately.


Correct: (It is important) that (I speak) with Mr. Hery immediately.

Incorrect: (It is imperative) (that your signature appears) on your indentification card.
correct: (It is imperative) (to sign) your indentification card.


correct: (It is imperative) that your signature (appear) on your indentification card.

Incorrect: (It is essential) (that) all applications and transcripts (are filed) no later than july 1.
Correct: (It is essential) (to file) all applications and transcripts no later than july 1.


Correct: (It is essential) that all applications and transcripts (be) filed no later than july 1.

2 komentar:

Unknown said...

does it always has to be using "It" as subject for it to be impersonal?

Unknown said...

"They" can also be used as impersonal. "They said people in this country are very nice"

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