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Problems With Pronouns (2): Subject and Object Pronouns.

(If the weather is good, [Ellen and I] [will go] to the beach)

- If the weather is good,
- (pronoun[subject]): Ellen and I
- (V): will go
- to the beach

Remember that the following pronouns are subject pronouns:

- I
- you
- she
- he
- it
- we
- you
- they

Avoid using an object pronoun as a subject.

([It] [is] [he] whom the committee has named)
- (it): it
- (BE): asked
- (pronoun[object]): he
- whom the committee has named

Avoid using an object pronoun instead of a subject pronoun after the verb (BE).

([They] [asked] [us, Jane and me,] whether we were satisfied

- (S): They
- (V): asked
- (pronoun[object]): us, Jane and me,
- whether we were satisfied

Remember that the following pronouns are object pronouns:

- me
- you
- her
- him
- it
- us
- you
- them

Avoid using a subject pronoun as an object.

([Let] [us, you and me,] [Try] to reach an agreement)

- (Let): Let
- (pronoun[object]): us, you and me,
- (V): try
- to reach an agreement

Avoid using a subject pronoun after (let).


Incorrect: (It was her) whom everyone wanted to win.
Correct: (It was she) whom everyone wanted to win.

Incorrect: (He) always (helps) my wife and (I) with our tax returns.
Correct: (He) always (helps) my wife and (me) with our tax returns.

Incorrect: Do you really believe that she has blamed (us) for the accident, especially (you and I?)
Correct: Do you really believe that she has blamed (us) for the accident, especially (you and me?)

Incorrect: (Let you and I) promise not to quarrel about such unimportant matters anymore.
Correct: (Let you and me) promise not to quarrel about such unimportant matters anymore.

Incorrect: When he comes back from vacation, (Hery and me plan) to look for another apartment.
correct: When he comes back from vacation, (Hery and I plan) to look for another apartment.

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