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Problems With Verbs (7): Advisability.

([You] [had better] [take] chemistry 600 this semester)

- (S): You
- (had better): had better
- (verb word): take
- Chemistry 600 this semester

([You] [had better] [not] [take] Chemistry 600 this semester).

- (S): You
- (had better): had better
- (not): not
- (verb word): take
- chemistry 600 this semester

Remember that although (had) is a past form, it refers to future time in this pattern.

Avoid using an infinitive or a past form of a verb instead of a verb word. Avoid using (don't) instead of (not).


Incorrect: You (had better to hurry) if you don't want to miss the bus.
Correct: You (had better hurry) if you don't want to miss the bus.

Incorrect: We (had better made) reservations so that we will be sure of getting a good table.
Correct: We (had better make) reservations so that we will be sure of getting a good table.

Incorrect: We (had better to check) the schedule.
Correct: We (had better check) the schedule.

Incorrect: You (had better don't quit) your job until you find another one.
Correct: You (had better not quit) your job until you find another one.

Incorrect: You (had better don't go) alone.
Correct: You (had better not go) alone.

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