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Problems With Pronouns (4): Relative Pronouns Which Refer to Persons.

(Everyone [who] [took] the tour was impressed by the paintings)

- Everyone
- (who): who
- (V): took
- the tour was impressed by the paintings

Avoid using (whom) as the subject of a verb.

(He was the only American [whom] [I] [saw] at the conference)

- He was the only American
- (whom): whom
- (S): I
- (V): saw
- at the conference

Avoid using (who) instead of (whom) before a subject and a verb.


Incorrect: I asked him (who) (he was calling).
correct: I asked him (whom) (he was calling).

Incorrect: Did you meet the girl (whom) (was chosen) Homecoming Queen?
Correct: Did you meet the girl (who) (was chosen) Homecoming Queen?

Incorrect: He didn't know (who) (he would take) to the party.
Correct: He didn't know (whom) (he would take) to the party.

Incorrect: I know the candidate (whom) (was elected).
Correct: I know the candidate (who) (was elected).

Incorrect: There is often disagreement as to (whom) (is) the better student, Bob or Ellen.
Correct: There is often disagreement as to (who) (is) the better student, Bob or Ellen.

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