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Problems With Verbs (1): Verbs that require an infinitive or an (- ing) form in the complement

(We had planned to leave day before yesterday)


- (S): We
- (V): had planned
- (C): to leave
- (M): day before yesterday

Remember that the following verbs require an infinitive in the complement:

- agree
- decide
- expect
- fail
- hope
- intend
- learn
- plan
- promise
- refuse
- want

Avoid using an (- ing) form after the verbs listed. Avoid using a verb word after want.

(He enjoys traveling by plane).

- (S): He
- (V): enjoys
- (C): traveling
- (M): by plane

Remember that the following verbs require an (- ing) form in the complement:

- admit
- appreciate
- avoid
- consider
- deny
- enjoy
- finish
- practice
- quit
- regret
- risk
- stop

Avoid using an infinitive after the verbs listed.
(Forbid) may be used with either an infinitive or an (- ing) complemen, but (forbid from) is not idiomatic.

(She forgot about canceling her appointment).

- (S): She
- (VPh): forgot about
- (C): canceling
- (M): her appointment

Remember that following verb phrases require an (- ing) form in the.

- approve of
- be better off
- can't help
- count on
- do not mind
- forget about
- get through
- insist on
- keep on
- look forward to
- object to
- think about
- think of

Avoid using an infinitive after the verb phrases listed. Avoid using a verb word after (look forward to) and (object to).


Incorrect: She is cosidering not (to go).
Correct: She is considering not (going).

Incorrect: He wanted (speak) with Mr.Hery.
Correct: He wanted (to speak) with Mr.Hery.

Incorrect: His Mother forbids him (from staying) out late on school nights.
Correct: His Mother forbids him (to stay) out late on school nights.

Incorrect: I have been looking forward to (meet) you.
Correct: I have been looking forward to (meeting) you.

Incorrect: We wouldn't mind (to wait).
Correct: We wouldn't mind waiting.

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