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Problems With Verbs (4): Ability

(I know the answers)

- (S): I
- (KNOW): Know
- (noun): the answers

Avoid using an infinitive after (know).

(I know how to answer the question)

Remember that (how) must be used with an infinitive.


Incorrect: If she (knew to drive), he would lend her his car.
Correct: If she (knew how to drive), he would lend her his car.

Incorrect: I don't (know to use) the card catalog in the library.
Correct: I don't (know how to use) the card catalog in the library.

Incorrect: Until he came to the United States to study, he didn't (know to cook).
Correct: Until he came to the United States to study, he didn't ( know how to cook).

Incorrect: Do you (know to type)?
Correct: Do you (know how to type)?

Incorrect: You'll have to help her because she doesn't (know to do)it.
Correct: You'll have to help her because she doesn't ( know how to do) it.

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