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Problems With Modifiers (7): Adverbs of Manner.

([The class] [listened] [attentively] to the lecture)

- (S): The class
- (V): listened
- (adverb[manner]): attentively
- to the lecture

Remember that adverbs of manner describe the manner in which the verb acts. Adverbs of manner usually end in (- ly).

Avoid using an adjective instead of an adverb of manner. Avoid using an adverb of manner between the two words of an infinitive.


Incorrect: After only six months in the United States, jack understood everyone (perfect).
Correct: After only six months in the United States, jack understood everyone (perfectly).

Incorrect: Please do (exact) as your doctor says.
Correct: Please do (exactly) as your doctor says.

Incorrect: From the top of the Empire State Building, tourists are able to (clearly) see New York.
Correct: From the top of the Empire State Building, tourists are able to see New York (clearly).

Incorrect: (Board) speaking, curriculum includes all experience which the student may have within the environment of the school.
Correct: (Boardly) speaking, curriculum includes all experience which the student may have within the environment of the school.

Incorrect: Passengers travel (comfortable) and safely in the new jumbo jets.
Correct: Passengers travel (comfortably) and safely in the new jumbo jets.

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