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Problems With Modifiers (6): Adjective With Verbs of the Senses.

([I] [felt] [bad] about the mistake)

- (S): I
- (V[sense]): felt
- (adjective): bad
- about the mistake

Avoid using an adverb instead of an adjective of the senses.
Remember that the following verbs are examples of verbs of the sense:

- feel
- look
- smell
- sound
- state


Incorrect: We love to go to the country in the spring because the wild flowers (smell) so (sweetly).
Correct: We love to go to the country in the spring because the wild flowers (smell) so (sweet).

Incorrect: Although the medicine (tastes) (badly), it seems to help my condition.
Correct: Although the medicine (tastes) (bad), it seems to help my condition.

Incorrect: The meal (tasted) (well).
Correct: The meal (tasted) (good).

Incorrect: The music (sounds) (sweetly) and soothing.
Correct: The music (sounds) (sweet) and soothing.

Incorrect: When he complained that the food (tasted) (badly), the waiter took it back to the kitchen and brought him something else.
Correct: When he complained that the food (tasted) (bad), the waiter took it back to the kitchen and brought him something else.

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